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Death Notices by County

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Useful Information

  • Funerals taking place abroad

    Announce the death of a loved one whose funeral is taking place abroad.

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  • Resources

    Resources to help you get the most from, plus ... Healing Space, Bereavement Help, Charities & Voluntary Organisations, Readings, Music, Poems, Quotes, Books, etc ...

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  • Practical Information

    Here you will find practical information about End of Life Matters.

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Family Notices on
Remember a loved one in a special way...
Family Notices on
Remember a loved one in a special way...

Useful Information

  • Funerals taking place abroad

    Announce the death of a loved one whose funeral is taking place abroad.

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  • Resources

    Resources to help you get the most from, plus ... Healing Space, Bereavement Help, Charities & Voluntary Organisations, Readings, Music, Poems, Quotes, Books, etc ...

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  • Practical Information

    Here you will find practical information about End of Life Matters.

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Memorial Gift Shop

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Mounted Prints

Mounted Prints

Mounted original design prints, inspired by the early Irish Celtic illuminated manuscript, The Book of Kells.

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Angel Ornaments & Keepsake Boxes

Angel Ornaments & Keepsake Boxes

Hand-crafted Angel pieces that capture those sentiments that we most want to express.

Condolence Book for Home Printing

Condolence Book for Home Printing

Condolence Book Cover & Presentation Box - for Home Printing

Services Directory

Services Directory

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View All, The Irish Times Building, 24-28 Tara Street, Dublin 2, Ireland